
Welcome to an adventure onto "the road less traveled"... a side-by-side journey as I develop my photography business.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Tag line

Did I mention my tag line....?

"Life's short...Capture it"TM

This came from a 10 min brainstorm and shortening exercise. Originally "Life is far too short, capture each moment today" and shortened down to the final version that you see now. I have added the "TM" as I am trademarking this as my own.

I come out with these tag lines often, trying to make more of them than they really mean, but this one means so much to so many people in so many different ways.

I hope that it means something to you...

For me it brings back a sense of mortality and importance of time with my children, family and friends. Too often we forget these things over artificial priorities in life, such as work.

My plan is to take enough time to play and play with enough time to work.

We will see how this develops over the coming months.

Gotta run.


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